Tips to start living better

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Tips to start living better

Losing weight and keeping a healthy lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight. It needs consistency and self-discipline; thus, people find it challenging. It seems like a rollercoaster journey of ups and downs, but it should not be stressful.

Here are some easy tips to start living better that you can do one day at a time:

Tip No. 1 Drink water and be hydrated. 

This tip had to be on here, right? As we were told so many times, drinking water is essential and on top of this list. We need to remember that our body consists of almost 60% water and helps in weight loss and flushing out toxins. We tend to confuse thirst with hunger; hence, we grab chips instead of water, which leads to extra calories. Suppose you’re not a fan of plain boring water. In that case, you may try drinking calorie-free beverages such as sparkling water or brew a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

Tip No. 2 Do we avoid some foods or eat all in moderation?

Some foods promote inflammation which can cause pain and prevent weight loss. The body can produce antibodies against some foods that promote inflammation. These foods are best avoided in the short term. Some other foods may cause bloat and bowel irritability which in turn promote inflammation and weight gain. A trained practitioner can assess your reactivity to different foods and guide you on your food choices.

Eating a variety of foods is important so we try not to restrict too much. Apart from the inflammatory foods mentioned above, if you want to lose weight it is best to minimize foods with high levels of refined sugar. If your body has a ready supply of sugar for energy it will not burn fat.

I don’t count calories, just eat a healthy balanced diet keeping the refined sugars to a minimum. A feeling of fullness is best achieved by adding good amounts of protein, good fats, and lots of veggies for fiber to each meal.

Remember alcohol is a carbohydrate and breaks down to sugar. It also puts a demand on your liver often affecting your ability to detox. This will have a direct effect on your ability to lose weight.

Tip No. 3 Eating multiple small meals versus a shortened eating window.

According to Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD, “Studies show people who eat 4-5 meals or snacks per day are better able to control their appetite and weight”. Eating a small amount at a time helps decrease the stomach’s distensibility.

On the other hand, with the keto movement and intermittent fasting, it is suggested to try to lengthen the period of time without food to give digestion a rest. People needing frequent small meals are usually reliant on carbohydrates for energy and don’t do well with the time between meals. Extending the time between meals particularly at night, you become able to burn fat for energy and will lose weight more easily. If there is a ready supply of carbohydrates in the blood the body will use these for energy and not break down fats.

To begin fasting you may initially extend your time between the evening meal and breakfast for a period of 12 hours. That would be having dinner at 6 pm and not eating until breakfast. It is then suggested to try to extend that period so you may not have breakfast until 12 pm. That would be a 16 hour fast done a couple of days per week. You will become adapted to burning fats for energy and lose weight more easily.

This is not recommended for children or adolescents.

Tip No. 4: Try to avoid nighttime snacks if possible.

If you must snack choose something that is not high in refined sugars. A healthy option maybe a few spoonfuls of natural yogurt or coconut yogurt with fruit rather than a biscuit or ice cream.

Having good amounts of protein and good fats with the evening meal improves satiety and the need to snack.

Sometimes you may feel hungry late at night while watching TV. Ask yourself if this is truly hunger of just wanting to nibble for something to do or from habit.

Tip No. 5: Protein, Fiber, a whole lot of fruits and vegetables

Protein should be part of our every meal for a lot of reasons. To name a few: it is a fill-me-up food which helps us feel full hence, less food intake, boost metabolism which uses more energy in digesting food, increases muscle mass and strength necessary in exercising, and the list goes on! As for food with fiber, it aids digestion, prevents constipation, and lowers cholesterol. Knowing what we put in our bodies is essential. Diet does not mean eating less. Filling up with fruits and vegetables keeps us full and are perfect snacks too.

Tip No. 6: Spice, spice, and more spice!

Eating healthy does not mean eating bland food. Adding spices to our food does not just boost flavors, but it also helps us feel satisfied. Aside from the flavors that spices provide, they contain specific benefits too!

Tip No. 7: Yes, to healthy and convenient foods and say goodbye to fattening foods.

If you are on the go and do not have time to whip up a meal. In that case, your last resort is always ordering out, but if you have healthy and essentials on hand, you can prepare meals in less than 10 minutes or just grab it in the fridge. Throw out those bags of chips and frozen pizzas and have this on your fridge and pantry instead: frozen vegetables, fruits, reduced-fat cheese, pre-cooked grilled chicken breast, whole grain tortillas, and salad greens.

Tip No. 8: Lose weight slowly and do not weigh yourself every day

Putting too much pressure and wanting fast results lead to discouragement. Give your body ample time to lose weight. Weigh yourself at the same time of the day, on the same day of the week using the same scale. Weight loss is a process and does not happen overnight.

Tip No. 9: Get enough sleep

Diet and lifestyle are not all about food intake. Lack of sleep produces the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and under-produces the hormone leptin, which tells you when you are full. Having a full uninterrupted sleep prevents you from unnecessary snacking, especially during midnight.

You need to be asleep before midnight for the liver to detoxify the body and allow repair. If you are awake between 1-3 am your liver will struggle, and you won’t lose weight. Plus, a lack of sleep means you run on more stress hormones throughout the day to keep going. Too much cortisol breaks down muscle and puts on tummy fat.

Tip No. 10: Food diary

Keep track so that you won’t be side-tracked. Being aware of what you eat dramatically boost your weight loss.

Tip No. 11 Celebrate your wins

Do not forget to treat yourself to your wins. This encourages you to work harder but do not throw away your hard work by celebrating with a whole box of pizza or a gallon of ice cream.

Tip No. 12: Support and Encourage

Struggles and success are better when shared. Let your family and friends know your weight loss and lifestyle goals. They will support you and might join you in exercising and eating right, too, making your journey for a better and healthier life easier.

If you are having trouble losing weight despite exercise and a good diet there may be a metabolic block. If you have concerns and want some help, don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Verona Chadwick – 0266252925

Avail yourself of my FREE 20 minute chat either by phone or online

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