How does our immune system work? Where can it fail?

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How does our immune system work? Where can it fail?

Our immune system protects us from infections and health problems caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and toxins. To put it clearly, it is our body’s defense system against invaders. Our immune system consists of a network of tissues, cells, and organs that work together to prevent foreign pathogens from entering our system, and it also aids in disabling and removing them from our body. 

In the current climate with COVID on our doorstep this has never been more important.

Taking care and ensuring that our immune system is healthy is a top priority since it is critical to our overall health. You may not be aware; seventy-five percent of our immune system is only one cell deep in the intestinal wall so our diet and foods we ingest can have a dramatic effect on our immune health. 

An additional benefit of having a healthy immune system is downregulating our immune response from harmless triggers that we may get from food or the environment. A compromised immune system cannot effectively protect our body from toxins, might not help in supporting recovery, and increase the risk of allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.

Effects of Toxins on Immunity (How toxins ruin immunity)

Compromised immune health can be caused by various factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient sleep, an unhealthy diet, and one of the significant factors is environmental toxins. Based on scientific findings, toxic agents in our surroundings lead to a compromised immune system. 

These toxins are everywhere. We should be aware of the toxins that may weaken our immunity. Being aware and having knowledge is essential to help minimize our exposure to these said toxins.  

The Top 7 toxins that we should be mindful of:

1. Glyphosate

This chemical is used to kills weeds and is the most widely produced chemical in the world. It compromises not just the health of humans but of animals as well since it has a detrimental effect on good gut flora. It, therefore, acts to weaken the immune system. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), glyphosate has no risk to human health, but studies show the contrary. Research has found that glyphosate may have carcinogenic effects.

2. Mold and Mycotoxins

These are some of the most prevalent toxins in our environment that cause weak immunity. These are very adaptable; hence, found almost anywhere if the place is moist, damp, and warm. It may grow on our food or be hiding in your home and lead to serious health risks and may cause symptoms such as respiratory symptoms, headaches and fatigue, gut health issues, mental health issues, and hormonal issues.

3. Phthalates

These chemicals are primarily found in cosmetics but still can be found elsewhere. Phthalates are used in hundreds of products such as toys, vinyl flooring, detergents, lubricating oils, food packaging, and even in blood bags and tubing. Research shows how phthalates may have adverse health effects, disrupt our hormones, and may increase the risk of breast cancer.

4. Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are one of the major toxins that we are highly exposed to. When in large amounts, they cause adverse effects on a living organism, our environment and weaken immunity. 

As mentioned in some research, some heavy metals have toxic effects and interfere with normal biological processes, including our immune system. Some common heavy metals that we are exposed to are lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum. 

Try to source local fresh fish to avoid excess mercury. Hair dyes and cigarettes are sources of cadmium.

5. Organophosphates

Organophosphates or commonly knowns as Ops, are chemical substances with toxic effects. These were utilized as insecticides back in the 1930s but became neurotoxins by the German Military. A possible impact on neuromuscular transmission by acting as cholinesterase was observed when used. It can lead to serious neurological, neuropsychological, and psychiatric effects.

6. Xylenes

This chemical is used as a solvent. This may cause serious occupational hazards, have side effects on our health and weaken our immune system. It may irritate the eyes, skin, and lungs. Inhaling this chemical may cause headaches, nausea, drowsiness, sleepiness, dizziness, and more severe exposure may cause irregular heartbeat, fainting, and even death.

7. Endotoxins 

Endotoxins or Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are found inside a bacterial cell. It is often caused by bacterial overgrowth in our small intestine or from sepsis. It may occur as a result of non-bacterial infections or may be released from parasites. 

Endotoxins can also be the byproduct of normal chemical reactions in the body. That is why we need good levels of antioxidants to quelch cellular damage from oxidative stress.

Tips to Detoxify and Support the Immune System

1. Anti-inflammatory Nutrition Plan and Intermittent Fasting

Slowly eliminate inflammatory foods and drinks such as refined sugar, deep-fried food, lemonade or coke, and processed food. Instead, eat more greens, low glycemic index fruits, and clean animal protein. Buy organic where possible to reduce exposure to glyphosate.

Doing intermittent fasting is helpful as well. It helps lower inflammation and support immune function. Try doing a simple fast first, and once you are more experienced, try and extended fasting. Start with fasting for 12 to 16 hours after dinner.

2. Great Hydration

It is common knowledge that good hydration is beneficial, not just in our immune system. It helps in detoxification and in removing toxins through sweat and urine. It is highly encouraged to drink at least ten glasses of water daily, not tea, coffee, or alcohol.

Aside from water, drinking herbal tea with no preservatives, fresh green juices, and smoothies and eating fruits high in water content such as watermelon is good for our immune system.

3. Exercise and Movement

Doing regular exercise is good for our overall health and does support detoxification through secreting sweat. It does not have to be a heavy exercise; even low-intensity exercise can help improve our overall health. 

4. Improve Bowel Motility

This is critical in detoxification. Drinking water, eating fibrous food, and consuming prebiotic and pro-biotic foods can help improve bowel motility. Gut health is critical for immune health. 

In the clinic, we do testing to assess the presence of bad bugs, parasites, or fungi/candida that will affect immune health and increase whole-body inflammation.

5. Daily Sun Exposure and Grounding

Daily sun exposure can give us Vitamin D, which is essential for our immune health. Make sure to get 30 minutes of sun exposure daily plus walking around to provide you with electromagnetic energies of the earth. 

Our Vitamin D level is most important for our defense against the Delta variant of COVID. 

Low levels have been implicated as a causal factor for serious complications of COVID. Blood levels should be 100-150 nmol/L. Current in-hospital treatment includes 50,000IU of vitamin D per day.

If you don’t get enough sun, take a supplement of between 2000 – 5000IU per day

6. Dry Brushing and Epsom Salt Baths

Dry brushing supports our lymphatic system and helps remove toxins on the surface of our skin.  It is best done before taking a bath. 

Epsom salt bath helps removes salts and toxins from our body and allows magnesium and sulfate to enter and support our body. You add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt to your bath and soak for about 20 minutes.

7. Infrared Sauna Usage

Using infrared heaters, it releases infrared lights that give heat as it gets absorbed through the skin’s surface. It supports detoxification, lowers inflammation, and provides immune support. 

8. Air Filtration

Investing in good air filtration is not a waste. It is critical for filtering out microscopic toxins from the air. 

9. Oil Pulling

This is an old Ayurvedic practice where you squish oil in our mouth that helps release toxins from our body. This is beneficial for dental and oral hygiene, skin and hair health, reducing pain, and fighting toxins in our bodies. 

10. Castor Oil Packs

This has been used since ancient times. It helps in the circulation of blood around our organs and areas of our body. It also increases the flow of fluids through our lymphatic system. 

11. Use Bioactive Carbons

This type of carbon helps to create and sustain life in a cell and aids in detoxification. It includes fulvic and humic acid. These acids are plant-based that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It has toxin-binding elements that help improve our overall health. These are binders that collect the toxins in the gut and aid their elimination.

In summary, the immune system, as a protector of our body, also needs protection. We must make sure that we are providing proper care so it may function effectively. We can support our immune system by knowing what we put inside our body and refrain from things that may negatively affect it.  

In my next blog, I will discuss testing you can do to assess your level of risk prior to getting vaccinated for COVID and your risk of serious illness if you catch COVID. PLUS, nutrients to protect you against serious complications of COVID.

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